Visionary Vultures 2: Owls & Old World Bird Pin Collection
Created by Foxfeather Zenkova
**Please visit our new, expanded collection including all the pins on this page and more at:**
Items in this web shop are in stock, they ship generally in 5-7 days from when your order is charged and tracking information for packages is sent by email.
Visionary Vultures is a collection of pins celebrating the vulture family and supporting awareness of endangered vulture conservation.
Purchasing items from this store directly supports our work in wildlife rehabilitation and vulture conservation - you can learn more at the Foxloft Conservancy Wesbite
You can see more of Foxfeather's artwork at: Foxloft Studios Website
UK orders will be charged VAT (receipts showing pre-payment will be sent with your order).
Latest Updates from Our Project:
THANK YOU for the amazing success! Project wrap-up, how to choose your reward items, & Free patreon supporter gifts!
over 3 years ago
– Fri, Nov 05, 2021 at 12:15:02 AM
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.
Final 2 Days! All Pins Unlocked, last chance to add to your pledge - can we unlock the second free pin?
over 3 years ago
– Wed, Nov 03, 2021 at 12:10:17 PM
We are getting down to the wire now, with just over 2 days remaining on our campaign!
Thank you for your support of our work; you are directly supporting our programs in wildlife stewardship education, outreach, wildlife rehabilitation, and of course, art! THANK YOU!
As a Kickstarter backer, you are getting a discount on your items and will get first chance at any extras (including the popular burrowing owl mini pins) before they are released to public. Since we're in the countdown of the final hours, please consider sharing this project with anyone you think might be interested and help them nab a great early-bird deal, too! Can we unlock the second free burrowing owl pin so you can get the pair? We are so close!
We have unlocked more stretch goals, which means the screech owl earrings and flying owl necklaces are available as add-ons to your pledge! Your pledge is perfect as it is, and is greatly appreciated, but if one of the new pins or unlocked jewelry items catches your eye, you can add them onto your existing pledgenow!
(I realized weoriginally posted an earlier version of the eagle owl design, here is the updated pendant)
The flying owls or screech earrings are available for $45 each (a special pre-sale price), so if you'd like to add one to your collection (or any of the newly unlocked pins, stickers, or prints) you can add to your existing pledge by going to:
1. 'Manage your pledge' at the top of our page
2. 'Change your pledge' near the bottom of the screen
3. Confirm your selection (press the green pledge button)
4. That will take you to the add-on page. There you can add whatever items you want from the list which will let you add extra items to your pledge.
Photo courtesy of one of our clients from last year, who framed their pins, earrings and pendants beautifully with shadow boxes!
If you're worried about having too many pins, they look great framed or are easy to convert into magnets for your fridge! Stickers can be attached to magnet backing as well,
Original Paintings available: There are a few one-of-a-kind watercolor paintings that the pin designs are based on that are still looking for their homes; at time of writing the Hooded Vulture, White-headed Vulture, Screech Owls (single or as a pair), Great Gray Owl, and California Condor are available.
Since only one of each painting is available, once those tiers sell they are gone, so if you are interested in owning one, grab it now! The original tiers also come with the 'Gotta-Have-It-All Pins & Stickers' package deal, meaning one of each of all 16 pins and 19 stickers. Originals can also be added to any of the current pledge tiers, just message me if you want to claim one.
Print size guide, featuring the Andean Condor design from last year's project
Fine Art Prints: Lots of people have been asking about the print sets - these are reproduction prints of the original paintings on heavy, archival paper, hand-signed by the artist, suitable for framing or display, a cost-effective way to own the artwork. Each print will come packaged in a protective clear sleeve with a backing board, and they make great gifts! You can add prints to your pledge in the add-on section like the other items above.
Thank you again for being part of of our project and a sponsor of our work, you have our gratitude more than we can say!
-Foxfeather & The Foxloft Crew
All pins unlocked - now working to unlock earrings, pendants, and more freebie pins!
over 3 years ago
– Thu, Oct 28, 2021 at 12:41:14 AM
A warm welcome to all new backers, and hello again to earlybirds! I am excited to announce we have hit one of our landmark goals; a free burrowing owl pin for all backers in $45+ tiers!!
We have its mate which can unlock as *another* free pin if we can hit the next big funding goal - so if you'd like the pair, please share our project with any bird lovers, facebook groups, twitter, other social media or friends you know that might be interested! We greatly appreciate any help sharing the project :)
We have now unlocked all 16 of the pin designs, which means all 'Gotta Have It All-Pins/Stickers' tiers will include every available pin design!
We have also unlocked the first pendant, the flying snowy owl!
The flying owl is now available as an add-on for $45, so if you'd like to add a snowy owl necklace to your collection (or any of the newly unlocked pins) you can add that to your existing pledge by going to:
1. 'Manage your pledge' at the top of our page
2. 'Change your pledge' near the bottom of the screen
3. Confirm your selection (press the green pledge button)
4. That will take you to the add-on page. There you can add whatever items you want from the list which will let you add extra items to your pledge.
We have some beautiful earrings which are about to unlock, and more flying owl pendants, if we can hit the funding goals!
Thank you again for helping to make this project such an amazing success, I can't wait to get started making all these beautiful jewelry pieces for you, and am beyond thankful for what it means for our little wildlife rescue and education facility. Thank you for caring about these birds, and making a difference for them and for us!
-Foxfeather & the Foxloft crew
Thank you for the incredible start! Funded within 4 hours, onto stretch goals, new goals updated!!
over 3 years ago
– Sat, Oct 23, 2021 at 07:58:10 AM
Thank you so much for being an early backer - I am once again humbled and blown away by the support and enthusiasm you have shown in bringing this project to life. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
If you're new to Kickstarter and have any questions, feel free to reach out!
A hearty thank-you from Sev, our ambassador yellow-headed vulture!
As of writing, we have funded all the initial 10 pins and unlocked the California Condor portrait and are very close to unlocking the Great Blue Heron! I just updated with a few more of the stretch goals, which include more pins, some beautiful sets of earrings, and flying owl pendants! As well as the most highly requested; burrowing owl mini pins - exclusive Kickstarter backer freebies!
If you're a new backer, last year the first set of pins funded and I have received so many touching stories from people about how the pins have sparked conversations about vultures, been great teaching tools for classes, and all the creative and beautiful ways people have found to display their sets; with shadowboxes, hand-sewn banners, and covering vests like a tiny avian army.
Original art and a beautiful pin display from last year's Kickstarter (photo courtesy of Alison - thank you!)
In an upcoming update, I am really excited to share with you what we've been doing in this past year, which was all directly possible because of the last Visionary Vultures pin campaign; it's been quite a whirlwind of a year!
Today itself has been crazy, after I launched the campaign I had to hop into the car and drive 5 hours to pick up the Foxloft's newest resident; Please meet the newest member of our education team, this beautiful 36 year old turkey vulture! They came with two of their favorite toys, one of which is a rubber dolphin they stole from neighbor kids a few years ago and wouldn't give back. After a rough start in life and a partial wing amputation, this bird has been an education ambassador for the past 35 years. After retirement, the bird's keeper reached out to me, and with a lot of paperwork (state and federal licensing), and a clean bill of health from the UMN raptor center, we are so excited to get the opportunity to work with them!
Thank you again, so much, for being a part of this project - you rock!!!